Women take on the weight of the world. If we�re not busy making a living for ourselves in the workforce, we�re taking care of children and spouses. It�s like our responsibilities go on forever. A woman who is constantly on the go can often experience little ailments that slow them down. Unfortunately, if you�re like most women, slowing down is not an option, and as such it can�t hurt to have a mini �survival kit� of sorts that will get you through those difficult days. Below are just a few key things that every woman should have stored in her medicine cabinet. 1. A Good Pain Killer Whether you�re suffering from a migraine, or dealing with an achy body after a great workout session, there is nothing that can slow you down more than pain. While excessive or excruciating pain should be communicated to your doctor, lesser pains can be quickly resolved with a good pain killer. There are several types of pain killers which all aid the body in some way (muscles, joints, headaches, teeth, etc.) so make sure you have a good one that will aid you when you need it most. However, don�t overdo it� if you take a pain killer or two and find no relief in a day or so, then visiting a doctor is best as there could be underlying issues going on. 2. Thermometer Always good to now if you have a fever and how severe it is. 3. Cold Medicine A cold can come on quick. It is best to have cold medicine on-hand for day and night. 4. Gas Relief Medication Gas, of course, is a common occurrence, and no matter how embarrassing or smelly it can be, it is ultimately a fact of life. However, there comes a point when excessive gas causing complications such as bloating and indigestion. There is nothing worse than having company over and you�re passing gas constantly � which is why you need to have some form of relief. In this case there are things that you can take that will provide you with the relief you need. Investing in over the counter gas relief medications can do the trick. There are even combination medications that will treat all stomach issues such as heartburn, nausea, indigestion, upset stomach, or diarrhea. 5. Antiseptic For a minor shaving cut or an accident in the kitchen, it is a must to have a antiseptic in your cabinet to clean and heal your cuts/wounds. 6. Allergy Medication Nothing slows you down like allergies. On days when pollen count is high you can experience things like excessive sneezing, runny nose, postnasal drip, sore throat, fatigue, and a whole lot more. All you want to do is crawl under the bed and get some rest as you pray for the rain to come. Unfortunately the latter is not an option, so having something in your arsenal of medications or remedies is the next best thing. There are several allergy medications you can find over the counter. Having these on hand can get you through those high pollen days without missing a bit. 7. Pepto-Bismol You never want to be left without this remedy for an upset stomach and/or diarrhea due to overindulgence in food and drink, including heartburn, indigestion, and nausea. 8. SPF With over 300 days of sunshine here in Colorado, SPF is a must. I personally use a daily 30 SPF but for those long days out in the sun, I bump it up to 50 SPF. 9. Hemorrhoid Relief There are plenty of causes for hemorrhoids including excessive weight or pregnancy, but there is nothing more painful than having to deal with them. Hemorrhoids can make it hard to use the restroom and even more difficult to sit down comfortably. Not to mention how embarrassed you might be to become intimate with your significant other. For this reason, you want to have some products to relieve the effects of hemorrhoids such as an over the counter hemorrhoids treatment product. 10. Essential Oils Last but not least, every woman should keep some essential oils on hand as a natural remedy to many common ailments. Having oils such as peppermint can relieve a stomach ache, while oils such as lavender are great for relieving stress. Using medications all the time is certainly not ideal for the body and should be used with discretion. Having things such as essential oils on hand prevents the adverse affects of taking medication and allow the body to heal naturally. If slowing down due to common ailments or illnesses is not an option for you, then making sure that your home is equipped with a few medications and natural remedies is ideal. Staying prepared allows you to minimize the effects you might be feeling from the everyday run around and allow you to get back on your feet sooner rather than later. Of course if you�re really feeling less than yourself, you may need to take a break or visit the doctor to get true relief.


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