UrbanSitter Interview
  We interviewed three of Colorado's top babysitters from UrbanSitter, and found out everything from the best Colorado attractions, to the most beloved children's books. Read on, and then head to the UrbanSitter site to book Gabby, Ellen, and Angela for your own wee ones!   (1) First, a question about you to help us get to know you... What is your favorite thing about living in Colorado? Angela - I moved to Colorado from a very small town in northern Nevada. I love living in the city, and all that it has to offer (I'm a HUGE sports fan, so Nuggets and Rockies games are frequent activities for me), but I also love heading to the mountains for a day of exploring. Gabby - My favorite thing about living in Colorado is that, on Wednesday it can be 70 degrees outside, and by Friday, we�ll have a foot and a half of snow on the ground. Going from sunbathing to sledding in a matter of days I think is astounding, and makes for a very adventurous lifestyle. Ellen - I moved around a lot as a kid, and am so happy to finally be settled down in Colorado. My favorite thing about living here is the beautiful landscape, coupled with the four very distinct seasons. Whether it is below freezing or in the 90s, there is something fun and exciting to be done! I especially enjoy spending time exploring the different dog parks with my puppy.  
(2) Coloradans love to be outdoors, and our park, bike, & trail systems are fantastic. What is your favorite thing to do outdoors while babysitting?
Angela - My favorite thing to do outdoors while babysitting is to head to the park. There are so many different parks to choose from, depending on exact location of the job, which makes for a fun outing. I have recently taken children for picnic lunches, or even just to the park across the street to play for a bit before nap time. Gabby - My favorite thing to do with kids while baby sitting, when its warm outside, is go to the playground. Since I am only 4�10", I am able to interact more with the kids and run all over the play set with them without any trouble. Ellen - I love to go on walks, go to playgrounds, or create a fun game in a park or backyard. From imaginary kingdoms, to nature walks, to soccer games, I think just spending time outside in nature is good for the mind and soul for people of every age.  
(3) Colorado is home to so many museums, zoos, libraries, and attractions for kids. If you were with the kids you babysit somewhere other than their home, where would you take them, and why?
Angela- The Butterfly Pavilion. This is one of the places I go most frequently with the children I watch, and I find that that it is appropriate for a wide variety of ages. Gabby - If I were able to take the kids I nanny out and about one day, I would either take them to the Nature and Science Museum, or the water park in Brighton that is made just for little ones. Ellen - I have explored most of Denver�s attractions with the different children I care for. Some of our favorite places include the Children�s Museum, the aquarium, and the different libraries. I would choose an outing depending on the age of the child and their interests. For those under two, going to activities like book babies or sing-alongs are always a hit, whereas older children tend to have more fun expanding their horizons at the zoo or aquarium.
(4) We are lucky to have many sunny days in Colorado, even in winter. But when the weather is rainy or too cold for the kids to play outside, what is your favorite rainy-day activity?
Angela - Rainy days lend themselves to lots of fun indoor activities. I like to sing and dance, and am quick to pull up music on my phone if I know we are going to be stuck inside for a while. Gabby - My favorite rainy day activity is most definitely hide and seek, because it is easily played and they have lots of fun hiding. They love being able to go run around the house wherever they want, and choose their own personal hiding spot. Ellen - Again, I like to gear my time spent with children towards their interests. While a rainy day can sometimes be gloomy, there are endless amounts of activities to be done inside! If the child has a wild imagination I like to create games, build forts or play pretend to further their individual expression. I also thoroughly enjoy reading with a child, or having them read to me if they are old enough. Arts and crafts are another great go-to when we are stuck inside.
(5) Parents LOVE when babysitters read to our little future-geniuses. What is your favorite children's book, and why?
Angela - I don't know that I can pick a favorite book, but I've become quite fond of Mo Willems' books lately. His book Knuffle Bunny is a ton of fun to read, and one that all children can relate to, as they consider how they might feel if their "lovey" was left behind on an outing. Gabby - Where the Wild Things Are is my favorite because it lets them be able to �ride away� and be free within the book. Ellen - I absolutely love reading Sandra Boynton books with my kids. I find that her books can transcend many ages. For the little ones, they can listen to the creative rhymes and learn about the different animals. When they are a little older, children can partake in the fun interactions (i.e. cluck with the chickens), and when they start reading it is a silly story that is easy to follow along. My favorite book by her would have to be Barnyard Dance.
(6) We love to show off our kid's art, can you tell me about an art project or craft you've done while babysitting?
Angela - We made rainbows out of Fruit Loops, which was quick and easy, but also gave us a chance to match and discuss colors. I found that this activity was engaging enough for the three year old I was watching, but also for her seven year old sister, who got to learn more about the order of colors in the rainbow, and we were able to discuss more about what makes a rainbow. Gabby - One of the oddest art projects I have done while baby sitting was for a 7 year old: she got a duck tape kit for Christmas, and we ended up decorating her Barbie doll and making a dress for her. Ellen - I love to use the �magic� black paper that you scrape into with pencils or sticks revealing the color beneath. Kids can be creative with their designs, and surprised by the colors that come through.
(7) It's time to pretend... would you rather play dress-up, tea party, ninjas, or cowboys, or something else, and why?
Angela - Why not dress-up AND have a tea party? With many of the little ones that I watch, this is a popular activity. What little girl doesn't like to dress like a princess and pretend to drink tea? Gabby - Tea-party would be my pretend of choice because little girls love to �make� tea and little sandwiches, and of course love to get all dressed up. Ellen - When it comes to pretend time I am up for whatever will spark the most creativity in the children I am with. I�ve played everything from a baby, to a dinosaur, to a train. Pretend time is all about being silly and expressing yourself!
(8) We've talked a lot about activities for big kids, but some of our readers have tiny ones. What is your go-to strategy for calming a crying baby?
Angela - First, I make sure baby isn't hungry. Second, I try distracting the baby with a favorite toy. If that doesn't work, I have found that rocking and/or walking seems to help in most cases. Gabby - Rocking and singing to an infant is my go to for a crying little one and almost every time it works. They love to hear the tone of your voice, and they focus so much on that, they forget to cry. Ellen - While I don�t have the most beautiful voice, I still love to sing to lull a crying baby. From traditional lullabies to fun interactive songs, I find singing is a great soother.
(9) What about a tantrum-throwing toddler, any tips there?
Angela - Removing the toddler from the situation that has upset him/her is one of the first things I try. I will also calmly tell a child that once they are ready to tell me what is wrong, I will be glad to help. Even with young toddlers, I have found that they can calm themselves and use some kind of communication that will help me fix the problem. Gabby - Temper tantrums I have to deal with on an individual basis, depending on the age. My main way of dealing with it: if they are 36 months and older, just to not give them any attention, which is what they are looking for, and just let them be by themselves until they calm down. Ellen - I believe it is important to stick with similar techniques used by the parents so the child can fell more comfortable. Most often quiet or alone time can help soothe a tantrum. I believe it is healthy for a child to express their emotions, and as long as they are safe, I will allow them to have a few minutes to calm down. If a child is capable to talk out their feelings, I am also there to listen and speak with them to get to the root of the problem.
(10) It's your first time sitting for a new family, and the new mom tells you its her first time leaving her little one with a sitter. What do you say to comfort her?
Angela - I reassure the mom that I have lots of experience and let her know that she is free to check in via text as often as she needs/wants to. Being friendly and positive during the meeting phase of a job usually helps calm a parent who is hesitant to leave their child for the first time. I find that UrbanSitter is helpful with this, since parents can set up an interview ahead of the scheduled job, so it's not a quick meet-and-run situation on that first night. Gabby - When it�s a moms first time leaving their baby with a sitter, the one thing you must remind them is that separation anxiety is normal and will last 20 minutes tops. Other than that, everything will be fine, and you�ll see your little one real soon. Ellen - I encourage parents to book either a phone interview or an in person interview before sitting for them so we can make sure we are on the same page when it comes to child care. I also find that when it is a parent�s first time leaving their child with a new person it helps to spend some quality time together. I encourage new parents to book me about an hour early so we can get to know each other and they can see how their child and I interact, making them feel more comfortable.
Book one of these three, or any of the hundreds of fantastic and capable sitters on UrbanSitter. Read bios, watch videos, and schedule your own interviews today... and stop putting off date night once and for all!
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