A traditional ceremony followed by a NON-traditional reception. - Part I

A note from the photographers, Michelle and Zach of Revert Photo:

"Ellen and Gino had an amazing wedding! They started out the day with an early morning {10am} full catholic ceremony at St Paul Lutheran Church downtown Denver. We then hoped in the Limo and went to the Five Points area for some super fun portraits of the bride and groom and wedding party {including a man of honor}. They followed up their early ceremony with an easy going buffet lunch at Fuel Cafe. The brides dad actually cooked up some DELISH BBQ chicken and hushpuppies for lunch!! The bride and groom actually live in the Taxi Buildings and frequent the Fuel Cafe, so it was a perfect place to celebrate with their friends and family. I love that they kept things personal and simple. The gorgeous floral arrangements by The Perfect Petal were just the right touch to add beautiful color and detail to the venue."

ceremony: St. Paul Lutheran Church reception + catering: Fuel Cafe photography: Revert Photo photo booth: Shutterbooth floral: The Perfect Petal cake: Mermaids Bakery dress: Anna Be {LISTmember} hair: Sharle Kochman music: DJ Nutmeg
portraits: Five Points

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