Ambajam Moving Sale


March 1, 2013

Couture Colorado

Date: Saturday, March 2nd. Time: 10am-2pm. Location: Ambajam, 3457 Ringsby Court Taxi 2, Suite 107, Denver, CO 80216 Local Denver company Ambajam is moving, and to say farewell to the old space, they are clearing out some of their fantastic baby gift items, including their signature super snuggly blankets. Select items will be heavily discounted. Including: t-shirt & onesie seconds, blanket seconds, hooded towel seconds, burp cloths seconds, discontinued clothing, and discontinued cosmetic bags. Ambajam will also be selling some of it�s office furniture and miscellaneous items including: belts and bags, furniture & fixtures, kids hangers, office supplies, storage bins, storage baskets, and washer & dryer. LISTmember Nest will also be selling some products with GREAT discounts. *Please note, items available are seconds, samples, and discontinued products* DISCOUNTS WILL BE UP TO 75% OFF

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